Post-apocalyptic installations, Featureless bodies,
audio-visual plays, shreds of residual data
Informe sinnúmero sobre una eventualidad corriente (Numberless report on a common eventuality) 2021
Winner: CON/TEXTO 24 playwriting contest, representing represent Río Negro province.
A group of anonymous bureaucrats mingle around a cadaver that occasionally comes to life.
The new trainee learns the ropes. She must prepare the report. An absurdist drama set in a
nightmare parallel reality, with echoes of Beckett and Kafka.
Nada aquí excepto sombras (Nothing Here But Shadows) 2020
Three empty, featureless bodies roam an abandoned post-apocalyptic installation where huge screens beam the memories of digital minds. A ghostly examination of the theme of disembodiment in contemporary technological culture.
Filiberto y Sofía:
Metahistoria de amor multidimensional (Filiberto & Sofía:
A Multidimensional Love META-Story) 2019
Filiberto is a linguistically-challenged employee at the giant corporation Global Eye. He is in love with Sofia, who works at another department, but he is unable to express it. In a chance encounter, he meets The Author, who promises to solve all his problems by writing another life for him. A multidimensional love story blending science fiction, comedy and romance